Hey Strife,
(Edited) As kls said, we are here to help people, not to be dumb asses. What the hell do you smoke? You are making an ass out of yourself.
a jw spammer just jumped onto a medical message board that i belong to.
i would like to have some suggestions for posting to her.. her topic was (i'm sure you can almost guess what her topic was) "you can live forever in paradise.".
i need to be respectful of her because the board is moderated very closely and putdowns will not be tolerated, but i'd like some suggestions for questions i can ask her.. okay?
Hey Strife,
(Edited) As kls said, we are here to help people, not to be dumb asses. What the hell do you smoke? You are making an ass out of yourself.
i was contacted earlier today by an old friend from my congregation in lynnwood, wa.
i was just thrilled that she contacted me.
i posted my name on an ex jw website about 2 years ago and kinda of forgot about it until today.
Dear Lynnie,
Forget these nose pickin? anime lovin? pieces of human garbage we have to deal with here. "Cloud Strife" is probably a child?s game on Nintendo. He probably listens to Rap music and has a muffler on his car, that grandma bought him, to make his 4 cylinder sound ?bad?.
Anyway, I?m new here too, and I love it. The people here have helped me more than I can ever put in words. All the help you need is here. You will be welcomed and loved here.
many of you, along with your warm responses to my post regarding the lump on my daughter's thyroid, asked me to keep you posted on her condition.
i took her to the doctor today for a needle biopsy.
it was short and sweet.
I hope the surgery will go well for her and by the way I love you too!
Me being a "Newbie" you helped me more than you will ever know.
Thanks, and all the best.
ok...it's only 3:34...i am mixing me a drink, anyone else want to join me?.
Sure, Vodka and Ruby Red. Whammo! Well, gatta take the trash out, Oops, tripped over the cat, damn that tile floor was hard! Stood up and cracked my head on the kitchen counter...Ouch! Fell down the stairs to the deck and the garbage went everywhere! Tried to pick up the trash and my neighbors dog bit me. Finally got the trash in a bag and headed for the road. A car hit me and I flipped him off. Did a header in the fish pond on my return. In pain I crawled up the deck stairs to my desk and finished this post...........
Damn it's fun drinking with a friend!
well i went to the prince concert this time around with some of my jw "friends".
there was a whole row of us.
after one of princes solos, one of my pals (a sister 10 years older than myself) turns to me and says "just think we'll be playing with him in paradise".
No Shotgun, he's driving a yellow Lamborgini and using a rank and file to do his work door to door. He probably has the windows up and listening to Michael Jackson while the dub does his chores!
for me, it was knowing that this wasn't the only "truth" yet feeling responsible to carry thr "party" line and "encourage" others to remain steadfast in the "truth".
Simply living, bacause I knew in my heart I could not live to the standards of the borg.
well, it took me 24 hours to make up my mind after i posted the board for help at this thread:.
the people who answered my post provided me with the expeineced advice i needed and i thank you all.
Well, it took me 24 hours to make up my mind after I posted the board for help at this thread:
The people who answered my post provided me with the expeineced advice I needed and I thank you all. I chose to give it a shot for more or less the matter of my own conscience and my love for her. My mother and I disputed the WTS's teachings and it was like a cock fight with 2" gaffs tied to the legs and the roosters pumped with cocaine. This is what I wrote:
Hello Jenny, AKA J.J.,
I suppose you're wondering how I got your E-mail address. I intercepted it through a "thread" that Tammybug wrote.
I am just checking in to see if all is well and how you are handeling the loss of Mom. I, for one, think of her every day and I'll tell one reason why. Before I got on the plane back to Florida I took clippings of her vines and Chestnut Tree and put in plastic bags with RooTone. I also brought back all the seeds from her garden flowers I could find.
When I arrived home, I planted the seeds and stuck in the clippings in a special vase. Each day I water the vase and think of Mom. Not to my surprise the plants are abounding, blooming and beautiful. The Trumpet Vine is attrackting Hummingbirds. I don't know what some of the flowers are, but I will enjoy them just the same.
Give my regards to the gang and please tell them I send my love.
With warm love,
just wondering, has anyone here been cut with the wts's axe over smoking?
that's a no no, including smoking too, as far as the last "new light" i read.
all my dub sisters could pass as livestock.
And I thought my post was funny! LOL!
just wondering, has anyone here been cut with the wts's axe over smoking?
that's a no no, including smoking too, as far as the last "new light" i read.
all my dub sisters could pass as livestock.
I understand "beatlenuts" are more adictive than nicotine. Good for her.
just wondering, has anyone here been cut with the wts's axe over smoking?
that's a no no, including smoking too, as far as the last "new light" i read.
all my dub sisters could pass as livestock.
Just wondering, has anyone here been cut with the WTS's axe over smoking? I was. Also I think about "over-eating" as well as "over-drinking". That's a No No, including smoking too, as far as the last "New Light" I read. All my dub sisters could pass as livestock. I assume they buy their clothes at a tent or awning store and buy their shoes at a blacksmith shop. What gives here?